• "Don't you see their bodies burning? Desolate and full of yearning, dying of anticipation, choking from intoxication" Empty Walls - System of a Down

Il randello di Grillo e il paese conformista

Originally posted on Inchiesta vecchio stile:
Processi “popolari” promessi da Grillo. “La prima categoria sarà quella dei giornalisti che hanno occultato la verità agli italiani nell’ultimo ventennio”, scrive sul blog. Che chiama “pennivendoli”. Dove era Beppe Grillo negli anni 70, 80 e 90, quando molti giornalisti morivano per raccontare il paese delle stragi, dei traffici,…

Spotify and the Internet

As recently reported by Fabio Chiusi on Wired, Spotify algorithm has changed. Now, it is much more sophisticated, but it is also the symbol of change in the internet and, consequently, in our life. Where is the border between free will and induced choice? Yesterday, Fabio Chiusi wrote on Wired: “Now, the point is: despite – or thanks … Continue reading

Lebanon: new car bomb attack in Hezbollah’s stronghold

Another car bomb exploded last Saturday in Hermel, Lebanon. The explosion, which killed at least four people, adds to the other six attacks that have taken place in Lebanon over the past few months, showing the mounting conflict between al-Qaeda groups (al-Nusra, ISIL) and Hezbollah. However, other countries could be involved. On 17th January, a … Continue reading

Using work as a weapon: marketing enterprises invade job ads

While unemployment is hitting one in five Birmingham citizens, somebody is trying to take advantage of it. As a matter of fact, marketing businesses are invading job-seeking channels, exploiting desperation and economic crisis unscrupulously. Birmingham is an interesting and beautiful city with an enormous problem: work. The Birmingham unemployment rate is about 20%. According to Birmingham City … Continue reading

Iraq: where terrible mistakes show consequences

After years of post-Saddam government, the exclusion of Sunni people from decision making is showing its terrible effects. What the Shi’ite leader Moqtada al-Sadr asked for seems to be finally happening: another Arab Spring. A Sunni Spring, led by Sunni people and managed by military and tribes. Where the winner remains al-Qaeda. On January, the … Continue reading

Subversive wild card: why detention of leading neofascist group member should worry Italian people

Charged with multi-aggravated theft, Simone Di Stefano is considered one of the leading members of neo-fascist group Casapound, which recently developed in a structured party. Such an arrest though – occurred during the so-called “Protest of Pitchforks” – should not be greeted as good news. It is not. It is terribly disturbing, and there are … Continue reading

Turning on the right: the – bad – way for Johnson and Farage to surpass Cameron

After David Cameron’s words about Romanian and Bulgarian immigrants, other members of Conservative Party and UKIP followed the crowd. Among them, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage, not less solicitous to collect constituency requests. Mr Cameron‘s plan has been made clear by BBC News. No more immediate housing and out-of-work benefits, and quadrupled fines for employers who … Continue reading

Libya: militias leave Tripoli, but in Benghazi clashes restart

After the successful effort to expel militias from Tripoli, other areas of Libya remain under siege. In Benghazi clashes and strikes have started against the presence of jihadist group Ansar al-Sharia. Fights between Army and jihadists led to the death of fourteen people. As reported by Magharebia, on 22nd November militias settled in Tripoli left the Libyan … Continue reading

US: A new strategy for soldiers settled in Afghanistan?

The long expedition in Afghanistan left a mark on US Army. It will end in 2014, but President Karzai asks for help, in order to avoid instability growing in the country. However, the US are likely to develop a new strategy, passing through Africa. Countdown is already a reality, especially in America. Somebody even developed … Continue reading

Birmingham: 10,000 documents to throw light on the bombing of 1974

As recently announced by the West Midlands Police Department, an archive of about 10,000 documents has been developed in the last 18 months in order to assure justice. A comprehensive digital filing system adopted in order to take a broader view of what happened on 21st November 1974. On 21st November 1974, BBC News spread the news … Continue reading